Monday, May 23, 2005

She is chained to her lifestyle:

I guess she is about 25. Her skin has lost all of the elastic that once made her look alive. Even though her skin hangs on her body all her bones are clearly visible. She is a skeleton with discolored skin. The dime store dick was glad to see her enter the high end department store. A good meal while in the county jail may keep her alive for a few more days. Her soul forgot to tell her it was leaving. She probably did not feel the snap as it fled her body.
Soon her body will figure it out and be a Jane Doe until someone claims her body.
Stupid speed freaks.


Nam LaMore said...

this is either about the 'run-away-bride' or the 'severed-finger-scam-artist' -- you're kinda twisted, you know?

Unknown said...

I am just reporting on what I see.