Friday, May 20, 2005

Mqust Jr to Ulysses?

It all started innocently on a post about coffee over at Nina Turns 40. Her post was about a coffee house named Espresso Ulysses. Not long after that Nam Lamore over at Laugh Loud and Often listed Ulysses as a possible name for a child.

Ulysses was a name that I tossed out when trying to name my son. Of course I was shot down and laughed at.

For the purposes of Blogging should I change his name from Mquest Jr to Ulysses?


Nam LaMore said...

hmmm, a secret alter ego? i like it! but if you do that, then only some people "in the know" will know in future posts who 'ulysses' is -- but then again, when i first heard of 'mquest jr' i only thought of your son; others may not have such a pure mind, especially if they arrived at your blog just after visiting an adult-themed site.

your son certainly does have a lot of adventures, as witness by the amount of posts you dedicate to him .. so perhaps ulysses is an appropriate alter ego. and, i think that's such a great name, i'm sure you fought valiantly for it, but bowed under pressure to keep the peace.

Nam LaMore said...

one other thing to be aware of ...
a most unlikely anagram of ULYSSES is SLY USES.

you know i love my anagrams!

Unknown said...

At this age everything is an adventure. Going to the grocery store and being pushed up an down the isles makes little Ulysses happy. Any park is a adventure. I am sure as he gets older entertainment will start costing me my entire pay check.

I like Sly Uses Jr. as name.

Nam LaMore said...

if ulysses is anything like my nephew, then going to the grocery store means he's on an unlimited budget. we come back with so much junk food and sweets, that his mom often chide me for spoiling him. that's when the nephew and i wink at each other, even as i put on my oscar-winning-perfermance apology.

Unknown said...

He has not hit the upon the “consumer” idea yet. I give him a few more weeks.

PS My Blog is gone. I can go into archived pages like this one but the main page has vanished. (I was not messing with the template.) I emailed Blogger support. Hopefully they will be able to fix whatever the problem was.

Unknown said...

Raisins, Cottage cheese and Macaroni and Cheese are the main things he gets excited about the store. We think this has a lot to do with his speech delay. They are the only foods he mentions by name on a regular basis. As his speech gets better I see him demanding and desiring more things at the store. The other week they had a “Red Trolly Ale” at the store. The “train” made him excited. I was FORCED to buy a 6 pack just to keep him happy. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

Anonymous said...

Oh you are all so silly...Mquest Jr is perfecto!!!

Mquest Jr.'s 2nd Cousin (aka Aunty Sharon)

Unknown said...

I think it is a tie-