Sunday, October 03, 2004

Profile Page

My profile page has been getting a few hits. I think some people may be using it as an entry to my blog, The problem is that the profile page seems to always be a few days off. It list my recent posts as posts that happened 4 days ago. Do others have this problem?

Is there any info that you want added to the Mquest profile page? I am open to any suggestions. At least I will read them. If I follow through is another story all together.


Jack Steiner said...

It certainly seems to be riddled with errors. I am confident that they are inaccurate relative to views and recent posts.

Perhaps the database has grown too portly to be efficient.

Unknown said...

Before that post when was the last time you used the word portly? Looks as if the data base caught up to me today. Perhaps the portly system went on a diet.

Jack Steiner said...

Probably the last time I read Thomas The Tank Engine with my son or used the word Kerfuffle in a descriptive sentence.

Unknown said...

My son has picked up "oh dear" from Thomas. It is such an old persons phrase.