Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Bush Receives Endorsement From Iran

"Democrats usually insist on human rights and they will have more excuses to pressure Iran."
Let me rephrase that statement from Iran. “Bush and republicans do not care about human rights. With a Republican like Bush in office we can do whatever we want to our people.

"The experience of two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the responsibility Bush had, will make it a very remote possibility for him to risk attacking a much bigger and more powerful country like Iran," he said.

One of our main targets of the “Axis Of Evil”is not afraid of Bush. They think we are to spread out as a military to take on another target. They may have a point. I am not sure the UN or the American public will accept another war.

But, do they underestimate Bush? Will Bush will buy another coalition of the willing? (He has unlimited money to do so). Will he gain more troops by starting a draft. Will he wave his magic wand and by presidential decree turn all current 4 year enlistments into 8 year enlistments? Will god whisper into his ear and tell him to drop a nuclear bomb in Iran?

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