Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Torture in Afghanistan

(link) Well put opinion.


Jack Steiner said...

I don't believe in torture, but I think that we are going to find that there are many gray areas that are going to be uncovered in the fight to protect the country.

This is going to be a test that will force us to look very hard at our beliefs and what we are willing to do to protect ourselves.

Unknown said...

When and how does the introspection begin? Much of this is done in secret. The International Red Cross only goes where we say they can go. We have gotten the international community to agree not to hold U.S. Troops accountable for criminal acts. We are flaunting the Geneva convention. Trials are held in secret. Innocent and guilty people are being held with out legal counsel. Everything is done in secret.

Torture may get good results. But, the oversight is lacking.