Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What history can teach us-

Found by me at
Original link

PETER GROSE, NY TIMES, SEP 4, 1967 -- United States officials were surprised and heartened today at the size of turnout in South Vietnam's presidential election despite a Vietcong terrorist campaign to disrupt the voting. According to reports from Saigon, 83 per cent of the 5.85 million registered voters cast their ballots yesterday. Many of them risked reprisals threatened by the Vietcong. The size of the popular vote and the inability of the Vietcong to destroy the election machinery were the two salient facts in a preliminary assessment of the national election based on the incomplete returns reaching here. ... A successful election has long been seen as the keystone in President Johnson's policy of encouraging the growth of constitutional processes in South Vietnam


majqa said...

Wow! It seems this story is racing all over the place in the blogosphere. Glad you found it too. The dark irony is sickening, but alas based on what I heard about Bush's speech last night (I don't own a TV) Syria is next. I guess every Vietnam has to have a matching Cambodia.

Unknown said...

I also missed the speach. Syria does seem logical. But, I think he is dumb enough to try Iran.
I realy like your phrase "I guess every Vietnam has to have a matching Cambodia." I will try to use it at least twice tommarow in conversation.