Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Lost Frenchman found after 35 days in mushroom caves

A 48 year-old Frenchman who went missing last month has been found emaciated but alive in an underground cave system where he spent 35 days in pitch blackness eating nothing but wood and clay. Jean-Luc Josuat-Verges, a care-worker from Vic-en-Bigorre in the foothills of the Pyrenees, left home on December 18 saying he was depressed and wanted to be alone for a time, according the Depeche du Midi newspaper which broke the story.
Taking a bottle of whisky he drove to an abandoned mushroom farm consisting of a vast complex of underground galleries. But in the total darkness he became disoriented and was unable to find his way out.

Stupid idiot. For a vision quest one must eat the magic mushrooms.

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