Tuesday, November 16, 2004

U.S. Marines Rally Round Iraq Probe Comrade

"I would have shot the insurgent too. Two shots to the head," said Sergeant Nicholas Graham, 24, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "You can't trust these people. He should not be investigated. He did nothing wrong."

It is nice to know we have well trained troops that want to help build peace and trust in the Middle East.


Ron Brynaert said...

That link was pretty disturbing. According to Watching the Watchers: "What hasn’t been widely said about this incident is that the five prisoners pictured in the video had been interrogated 24 hours prior to this video, and were not given medical attention, and at least one person bled to death in the interim."

Great blog...not many great ones on blog explosion.
Ron Brynaert
Why Are We Back In Iraq?

The Editor said...

The journalist who broke the story has a blog on which he gives the FULL STORY >>>