Tuesday, November 30, 2004

134 dead

The last clear official count of US soldiers that have died in Iraq was given on Nov 24 th. Why are clear official updated numbers given out so infrequently? On November 24 th the official death toll was 1,251.

At the start of the invasion in March 2003-- 134 or 135 American died. This month with only one day left we stand at 134 dead. What do these near record numbers represent?

Brainstorming I come up with the following list:

We did have one major offensive this month.
Bush won the election in America. (probably not the cause but who knows)
The other side is learning new bomb making techniques.
Not enough troops
Not enough equipment
Under trained troops.
Poor planing.
Shit happens.
Our killing innocent civilians during the bombing campaign does not help our cause.
The American backed puppet government is not all that popular.
This type of Violence usually precedes an election.
The other side is finding that conventional warfare did not work well for them and has modified its method of attack.
US soldiers that execute wounded Iraqi soldiers tend to enrage the Iraqi people and hurt our cause. Some may think it was justified but we must think of how this event plays in the middle east.
We have tried to win a war with pure military might and ignored diplomacy.
We should attempt some form of cultural understanding.. What do these near record numbers represent?

What alse can we add?

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