Thursday, November 18, 2004

I am special today

I found out that someone has plagiarized one of my posts word for word. (it was a sort post)


monster said...

Why would someone copy another person's blog entry? Does the other person suck that much as a human that they can't think for themselves? Are they ashamed of their own thoughts or have problems making a point? I've heard of this happening, but it's just weird. This isn't a high school history paper- these are feelings with a purpose (this goes for responses too no matter how much they do or don't make sense).

Unknown said...

But, they liked my writing. Why? There are much better wtiters out there.

majqa said...

No, sorry, that was just a link mistake. I try to link to the referrer as the source OR the link itself goes direct to the referrer. Sorry about that.

And that person also, on the day of that post, added you to his main links list and also credited your site as being interesting and worth visiting, because - well - because it's good.


majqa said...

And yes, you were special that day too as your blog is cool. If I link here again, I will be CERTAIN to link direct to your subarticle so everyone knows where it came from. Again, I'm sorry about that.

Unknown said...

It is OK I must admit I was on cloud nine. One small thing-- Could you please correct the spelling on your link list to Mquest. I do read your blog and have it listed in Bloglines as a blog that I read. All is fine.

majqa said...

Oops. Ok, I'll fix that now. Must have been extra-extra-tired that night.