Friday, December 03, 2004

L.A. Broadcasters Sore Over Syphilis Ads

If they will not let you see it I will let you read about it.
County health officials are having trouble finding a TV station willing to air a public service announcement about syphilis that employs a lumpy, red cartoon character named "Phil the Sore." (snip) In the 30-second ad, Phil follows two men going home together. As the men later part, one of them, dressed in a bathrobe and underwear, says, "Let's do it again sometime." Phil then calls in his whole family, whose members carry boxes labeled "brain damage," "rash" and "blindness" — all of which can result from syphilis.

They make the claim that they were “troubled that the ad took such a lighthearted tone about a serious disease.” Did these idiots not watch the same cartoon sex education videos that they showed me in hight school? Would they not of shown the Disney World War II propaganda films because they were to “Light hearted” ?

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